Mauricio Hunsche
PD Dr. Mauricio Hunsche
  • Associate Professor
Research topics
  • Stress Physiology of Horticultural Crops
  • Crop Nutrition and Biostimulation
  • Quality of Horticultural Products
  • Optical Sensors and Non-destructive Evaluation Methods
  • Protected Cultivation
Since the very early beginning of my professional career I work intensively to develop and promote different aspects of horticulture and horticultural sciences – from the cultivation of plants, through detection of morphological and physiological characteristics, until the evaluation of quality attributes during postharvest life of fruits and vegetables. The most recent academic and scientific focus lays on the mode-of-action of natural biostimulants to support crops in overcoming abiotic stress situations. Furthermore, several activities are conducted to allow a more profound understanding of the impact of crop nutrition on the quality attributes of horticultural products. Finally, one of the biggest goals is to advance evaluations of product characteristics, in particular the quality attributes, through non-destructive, spectroscopic methods.
Mauricio Hunsche
PD Dr. Mauricio Hunsche
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