© Fritz Lenz
Prof. Dr. Fritz Lenz († 2023)
- Former group member
Research topics
- Fruit- and Vegetable Production
- Effect of raising CO²-concentrations on apple and vegetable cultivars
- Plant water relationships in apple and vegetable cultivars
- Nitrate in soil and vegetable cultivars
Previous research focused on integrated fruit and vegetable production, examining the intricate processes of blossom and fruit development in citrus cultivars. It also investigated how factors such as nitrogen levels, water availability, and cultivation methods influence the quality characteristics of apples and oranges.
Additional studies explored CO₂ gas exchange, dry matter distribution, and the mineral and carbohydrate composition of citrus, apple, and strawberry plants, analyzing how these aspects are affected by fruit load, nutrition, and water supply. The research further delved into sink-source relationships in pome and berry cultivars, providing valuable insights into plant resource allocation.
© Fritz Lenz
Prof. Dr. Fritz Lenz († 2023)