13. December 2021

PhD defense of Marius Rütt PhD defense of Marius Rütt

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On December 10th 2021 our PhD candidate Marius Rütt successfully defended his thesis entitled “Decision analysis and hyperspectral imaging to support farmers in ornamental heather production”. Throughout his PhD-journey, Marius was supervised by Prof. Dr. Eike Lüdeling and Prof. Dr. Uwe Rascher. PD Dr. Mauricio Hunsche and Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude completed the committee of his defense. Visitors both in the lecture hall and online enjoyed Marius' 30 minutes talk on the methods he used to conduct his research and the key findings. After the talk and a 30 minute public Q&A session, the committee took the opportunity to examine Marius' scientific aptitude in the non-public part of the defense. Taking into account the written thesis, the presentation, and the scientific discussion, Marius received the final grade magna cum laude for his great PhD work. We congratulate our recent graduate for his achievement.

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