03. February 2025

New Publication in Climatic Change: Historical and Future Winter Chill for Temperate Fruit and Nut Trees in Afghanistan Historical and Future Winter Chill for Temperate Fruit and Nut Trees in Afghanistan

Nut_Trees_Afghanistan © Atifullah Shinwari
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We are pleased to announce that our new manuscript, “Historical and future winter chill for temperate fruit and nut trees in Afghanistan” has been published in the prestigious journal Climatic Change with Springer Nature.

Our work provides a comprehensive chill profile of Afghanistan and offers key insights into the historical trends and future projections of changes in Safe Winter Chill, which are critical for the sustainability of temperate fruit and nut production in the fruit growing regions.

The main findings highlight that SWC has decreased in historical scenarios in the low-lying regions mainly in the eastern, southern, and parts of the northern regions, and is projected to further decrease in the future (Figure 1). This reveals a possible future chill risk for high chill-requiring cultivars of different fruit and nut species, including apricot, peach, plum, pistachio and almond, in these regions. In contrast, we record an increase in SWC in the northern and central regions, suggesting these regions as potentially favorable for high-chill species in the future (Figure 2). Our findings support fruit and nut growers in Afghanistan in adapting their orchards to match chill requirements of species and cultivars to the expected future winter chill.
You can access and read the full version of this Open-Access manuscript in the link as below: https://rdcu.be/d4uWu

© Atifullah Shinwari
© Atifullah Shinwari
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Atifullah Shinwari

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