18. April 2024

New publication - Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios (Kenya)

edible_plants.png © Wyclife Agumba Oluoch, Christian Borgemeister, João de Deus Vidal Junior, Tobias Fremout, Hannes Gaisberger, Cory Whitney, Christine B. Schmitt
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Understanding current and future potential distribution of suitable habitats for wild edible plants is timely and relevant for planning of future dietary diversification using these invaluable resources.

Predicting potential suitable habitats of wild edible plants as influenced by climatic variables is an important step beyond the common ethnobotanical approach of listing of the plants used by a community. It helps the communities to have insights into how the changing climate conditions are likely to influence their important food and medicianl plants. This is helpful in formulating conservation initiatives for the plants especially in arid and semi-arid environments in which the cultivated crops are not viable options. Results from our study in northwestern Kenya show a decline in potential suitable habitats for half of wild edible plants in Turkana County, Kenya. We also found a potential drop in the richness of studied wild edible plants by almost half. This translates into reduced dietary diversity towards the end of the 21st century. There is therefore need to enhance conservation initiatives that involve the local communities as well as multi-stakeholder engagement in protecting the food plants not only within the county but also in the neighboring regions including eastern Uganda, southern Ethiopia, and south eastern South Sudan. Find detailed work on:


Oluoch W A, Borgemeister C, de Deus Vidal Junior J, Fremout T, Gaisberger H, Whitney C, Schmitt C B, 2024. Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya. Regional Environmental Change 24, 11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-023-02175-3

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Cory Whitney

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